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Thomas Kosten, M.D. 美国贝勒医学院 美国药物依赖协会
Jay H. Waggoner Chair,Baylor College of Medicine
Vice-Chair,Psychiatry for Research,Baylor College of Medicine
Director,Division of Alcohol and Addiction Psychiatry,Baylor College of Medicine
Co-Director,Institute for Clinical Research,Baylor College of Medicine
Professor,Psychiatry,Baylor College of Medicine
Thomas Kosten is a former Professor in America, the founding Vice Chair for Addiction Psychiatry of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and Past President of both the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. He is a Distinguished Life Fellow in the American Psychiatric Association and a Fellow of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. He has served as a Congressional Fellow in the U.S. House of Representatives and has been a long-standing member of various substance abuse commissions for the National Academy of Sciences as well as various advisory boards for the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Defense, primarily related to veteran health and drug safety and risk management.He has published over 600 papers, books, and reviews describing his medication contributions including vaccines for cocaine, opiates and methamphetamine, and disulfiram as a pharmacogenetic treatment for cocaine dependence.

张向阳 美国贝勒医学院

Xu-Feng Huang 澳大利亚卧龙岗大学医学院
Senior Professor, School of Medicine
Deputy Executive Director (Scientific), Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute
Director, CTN (Centre for Translational Neuroscience)
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong (UOW)
Prof. Huang’s research interests are the neuropathology and neuropharmacology of severe mental disorders, body weight control, and type 2 diabetes. His multidisciplinary research experience includes neurobiology, nanotechnology, drug delivery, chemistry and clinical studies. His expertise lies in molecular neurobiology, receptor binding assays, beta imager analysis, animal models, cell culture, immunohistochemistry and histopathology.Prof. Huang has received funding from the ARC, NHMRC, Diabetes Australia, Schizophrenia Research Institute, AstraZeneca Company of Sweden, Uncle Toby’s and Clover Ltd. He is an Editorial Board member of 3 international journals, and a reviewer for 13 international scholarly journals.

Raymond Cho, M.D., M.Sc. 美国得克萨斯州立大学
美国得克萨斯州立大学 精神和行为科学系 副教授
美国得克萨斯州立大学 精神康复研究中心 主任
美国得克萨斯州立大学 临床认知神经科学实验室 主任
美国得克萨斯州 Lyndon B. Johnson总医院 精神科 主任
Roymond Cho毕业于加拿大多伦多大学,分别取得生物物理学学士学位和神经科学硕士学位,以及医学博士学位。曾在多伦多大学精神病学系从事研究工作。后赴美国普林 斯顿大学做心理学博士后,并成为美国匹兹堡大学精神科医生。现为美国得克萨斯州立大学精神和行为科学系副教授、精神康复研究中心主任、临床认知神经科学实 验室主任,得克萨斯州Lyndon B. Johnson总医院精神科主任。临床工作:精神分裂症,双相情感障碍,早期精神紊乱,神经刺激疗法。研究兴趣:认知控制,脑震波,神经控制,EEG(脑 电图)和MEG(脑磁图),核磁共振,计算模型,神经刺激(tDCS, tACS, TMS),精神分裂症,双相情感障碍。

Chiang-Shan Ray Li 美国耶鲁大学医学院
美国耶鲁大学医学院精神医学系 副教授
美国耶鲁大学医学院神经科学系 副教授
美国康乃狄格州精神健康中心 执业医师
美国康乃狄格州临床研究中心 执业医师
美国耶鲁大学生物医学科学联盟 副教授
早年毕业于国立台湾大学(National Taiwan University),在美国加州理工学院电脑和神经系统中心(California Institute of Technology, Computation and Neural Systems)获取博士学位。研究领域主要包括:酒依赖;药物依赖;精神病学和心理学;行为机制和行为控制;心理现象和过程;中枢神经系统疾病。研究摘要:致力于结合精神医学、心理学、神经影像学和计算机技术,探索大脑如何工作在系统层面。具体而言,我们的感兴趣的是认知控制的神经过程,以及如何在这些过程中的缺损可能会导致物质使用障碍和其他精神疾病的发病机制的神经过程。我们的研究还侧重于认知的神经化学基础。我们利用药理学的控制机制和静息状态下的基于任务的脑成像研究,探索儿茶酚胺电路对于神经和精神状态的重要性。

Jeffrey K. Yao, PhD, FACB 美国匹兹堡大学
Research Professor,Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
Senior Research Career Scientist and Director of Neurochemistry and Psychopharmacology Laboratory at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
Jeffrey Yao is a Research Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine with secondary appointment in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, and Senior Research Career Scientist and Director of Neurochemistry and Psychopharmacology Laboratory at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (Highland Drive). He received a B.S. in Chemistry from Fu-Jen Catholic University (Taipei, Taiwan), earned his Ph.D. degree in Biological Chemistry from the University of Detroit, and received postdoctoral training in Lipid Chemistry at the University of Michigan. He was a member of Peripheral Nerve Research Center at Mayo Clinic before moving to Pittsburgh and has been a faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh since 1985. His research interest primarily focuses on the biochemical aspects of disease processes that are related to mental illness and neurological disorders.

Michael Davis 美国贝勒医学院
德克萨斯州Michael DeBakey医学中心执业医师
美国精神病学委员会Board Certified
美国神经科学委员会Board Certified
Michael Davis于1999年毕业于美国爱荷华州立大学,生物化学学士学位;2006年在美国俄亥俄州Case Western Reserve大学获得药理学博士学位,2008年在Case Western Reserve大学获得医学博士学位。2012年在加利福尼亚州Residency at UCLA Semel研究中心从事神经科学和人类行为的研究工作,2014年在VA Desert Pacific Mental Illness临床和教育中心从事精神分裂症的研究,现为美国贝勒医学院精神和行为科学系副教授,德克萨斯州Michael DeBakey医学中心执业医师,并取得美国精神病学和神经科学委员会Board Certified。研究领域:精神分裂症、精神紊乱、精神药理学、认知功能、生物精神病学、矫正医学。美国精神病协会会员,美国临床精神药理学学会会员。

宋采 加拿大达尔豪斯大学

台湾中国医药大学神经科学研究所 教授
广东海洋大学海洋药物研究所 所长 教授
爱尔兰国立大学神经药理学博士,加拿大麦基尔大学精神病系博士后及加拿大卡尔顿大学神经科学研究所和渥太华大学心理学院博士后。20多年来,一直从事抑郁症、精神疾病、神经退行性疾病和免疫学方面的研究以及药物的研发,取得了多项重要的研究成果。共发表SCI论文近100篇,最高影响因子15;出版专著3本,合著12本,2005年被加拿大国会和总理奖励和任命“加拿大神经免疫学首席科学家,荣获国际和加拿大各种科学研究奖10余项以及中国教育部“海外名师”、广西壮族自治区“八桂学者”,外国专家“金绣球” 奖,国际会议优秀演讲奖和五星级员工等。培养博士后、博硕士26名。目前担任大西洋创新基金、加拿大卫生研究院创新团队基金等4个项目负责人。在中国主持国家自然科学基金、“八桂学者”基金等。

Jun Wei,MD,PHD 英国高地与岛屿大学
Senior Researcher and Reader,University of the Highlands and Islands
Professor,Jilin University,China
Professor,Peking Union Medical College,China
Professor Wei has mainly focused on investigating the pathophysiology and immunogenetic mechanism of human diseases in the past 26 years and published over 60 papers in internationally reviewed journals.He joined the Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain, Bangor, in 1990 to work as a senior medical scientist on neurochemistry, immunology and genetics in schizophrenia.Professor Wei moved to Inverness to take a Readership with UHI in 2006 and current research interest is investigating the immuno-genetic mechanism of inflammation-related diseases, including schizophrenia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke.He has developed several collaborations with universities in Scotland and some in China, as well as holding a Visiting Professorship with Jilin University and Peking Union Medical College in China.

陈大春 北京大学 北京回龙观医院

北京大学 教授 研究生导师
河北联合大学 教授
北京回龙观医院 主任医师

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